Save hundreds of dollars switching from an auto-fill home heating oil company
What is auto-fill? If you search the web you'll find several articles promoting usage of auto-fill service for home heating oil. This service is convenient, oil is just delivered to your house whenever the company deems you needing it. However this convenience is costing you hundreds to thousands of dollars a year. Auto-fill is more expensive per gallon While it is more convenient to not think about your oil level and place a quick order online or over the phone, that convenience is costing you hundreds to thousands of dollars per year. You may be getting the best price that the company you use offers, and they may claim they don't charge anything for the service. While all of this may be true, it still means you are not shopping the market to find the most competitive price at the time you need oil. If you ran a heating oil company and knew that each month you had what are practically guaranteed orders would you aggressively price your heating oil, or would you be happy to tak...